Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where Do I Get My Pnr? -railway -indian

Sky Doll signing and exhibition ... September

* A lot of incoming news and many great things!

First of all, from 11th to 12th September I will be at the ComicCon in Montreal to sign SKY DOLL. I'm
so glad I've been invited to Canada, because I wanted to visit this beautiful country and Quebec for some years now ! ^_-
I will be with some other European artists, but most of all I will be accompanied by another author of the Métamorphose Collection : Guillaume Bianco .
I just read the invitee's list and... you will find the great Tim Sale and other cinema actors I love such as the great Elvira (Cassandra Peterson) Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) and Data (Brent Spiner) from " STAR TREK " série!

I can't believe my eyes! I will take a lot of pictures, that's for sure!

But it's not all: the gallery which invited me to this festival, " La Gallery ", to celebrate my série with Alessandro Barbucci , for more than 2 months has organized a beautiful expo " Hommages a SKY DOLL ", to which hundreds of artist took part!
The participation was open to everyone !
And I must admit nobody expected such a great success.
We decided, then, to select a number of works for the official expo.
The vernissage was done a couple of days ago, but we will have another one on September 13th !

------ Come everybody then to have your SKY DOLL signed and visit the expo. -----

* Sky Doll©Barbucci/Canepa/Lilidoll

* And to finish with, a magnificent series of illustrations by authors you more or less know already, as we have worked together quite often...

A wonderful aquarian by Lilidoll (Marion Girerd)
The original in pencil has been bought well before the vernissage! Congratulations, Marion!

Sky Doll©Barbucci/Canepa/Almanza

* A beautiful "Agape" in "ECO style" by Jeremie Almanza
Here too, few exemplaries are available.

----- For those interested, write to: -----

Sky Doll©Barbucci/Canepa/Nenent

*And in the end, an incredible "Noa" by Nenent.
An artist who joined the Métamorphose Collection only recently, with an incredible project.
A series of 3 books for young readers.
But I'll soon talk about this. And I know you're very curious, on his blog there are two sneak previews already!

Looking forward to meeting you all in Canada , then!

* For those who are going to be there, I give you my ComicCon timetable :

Saturday : from 2:00pm to 4:00pm + from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Sunday : from 2:00pm to 5:00pm

* But watch this space: next November there is going to be a big surprise for the SKY DOLL fans! Better, two surprises !
- A new book , made of 232 pages entitled " SKY DOLL DECADE 00>10 " !
- And a beautiful expo on the
November 13th in Paris - St Germain , which is helping the undersigned me with a new Gallery, opening with this event.
But... I don't want to disclose more!

------See you all very soon, then!------